Chair Massage A Great Solution For Stressed Employees
During a time when household budgets are tight, traditional thirty to ninety minute massages at a spa or massage therapy studio might not fit in the budget or calendar. This makes onsite chair massage ( which costs the employee from twelve to thirty-six dollars a great hit. Employees appreciate the opportunity to easily reduce their stress and pain right at the office.
Massage therapy helps reduce muscle tension in the body decreasing chronic pain and stress. Tightness in the muscles can contribute to headaches, sciatica, tendonitis, and low back pain.
Corporate chair massage is very easy to implement within a company. A Bodywork Alternatives Massage Therapy massage therapist is able to set-up a chair specifically designed for chair massage in a small conference room or common area within a company. This chair allows the employee while clothed to kneel and lean forward into a chest support pad and face cradle. This exposes the neck, back, arms and hands for massage. Therapists are available on an as needed, monthly or weekly basis. Bodywork Alternatives Massage Therapy has all the tools for easy implementation including employee communications and online scheduling for employees to schedule right from their desks or a paper schedule companies can post in a common area. And with only a two hour minimum any size company can make corporate chair massage available to their employees.
Bodywork Alternatives Massage Therapy offers corporate wellness programs nationwide including corporate chair massage and corporate fitness classes. Lisa Meloche, President and Massage Therapist, started the company in 2003 after finding massage therapy very helpful in reducing her own chronic pain due to Fibromyalgia. Visit their website at or call 248-622-1043.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
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